The Façade



.. After you read Eassa's The Façade, you will never be the same person again..

     It's a book that takes you away... Throughout a novel of excitement and facination to the full, goes the journey of the hero "M N" from start to end. The journey is filled with emotions, mysteries and symbols. The story is like a piece of music.. It is also full of colours.. It takes you to a world of magical reality.

     The Façade is a modern novel that will always be about today.  If you have enjoyed reading Aldous Huksly's Brave New World, Orwell's 1984, Kafka's Metamorphosis, then you will love reading The Façade by Youssef Ezeddin Eassa..

In The Façade, we are faced by a touching drama that looks like a surrealistic painting. A small  matter starts to grow on and on until it fills the whole universe! It's a search for the very core of the truth; the truth which is hidden behind a thousand masks..

We are faced with a hero whose past had vanished into thin air, together with his name, place and identity - nothing remains of his yesterdays, not even a shadow - as he hits the road into this strange city without  knowing where he is going to ..

You will also be surprised to find yourself in the story.. The Façade will fascinate you, inspire and stimulate you..

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